Make your website powerful

If you're using Next.js and Vercel on your website, you can't afford not to use this service named Spectrum. Spectrum assists you in improving your website through A/B testing.

Branch Based

Since there is no need to duplicate code, it is easier to manage and prevents the bundle size from increasing.

Vercel Based

Set the deployment on Vercel as a challenger, and split the access by CDN to serve the content.

Quick & Easy

You can control the start, stop, and modification of A/B tests all from this Spectrum web console.

Step 1 - Project code
Change the next.config.js and deploy the project.
Install nex-with-split (e.g. yarn add next-with-split) and update next.config.js following the sample code. Then deploy the project as usual on Vercel.
// next.config.js

// yarn add next-with-split or npm install next-with-split 
const withSplit = require('next-with-split')({})

module.export = withSplit({
  // write your next.js configuration values.
Step 2 - Vercel
Get an API token.

Create an API token in Vercel's web console.

Settings > Tokens

create token
Step 3 - Spectrum
Sign up and regist the API token.
Sign up at this site (Spectrum) and follow the on-screen instructions to register the API token you created in the previous step.
Goal - Spectrum
Setup is complete! You can start, stop, and change your A/B test at any time through this Spectrum. Let's start the A/B test immediately.